While U.D.P chairman Fermin Magana, Cayo Northeast, says Penner will not be working with us. The money he is receiving is not just money he is geting but earning a comfort. The passport scandal is an example of the first Mennonite serving as a repesentative. His closest U.D.P colleagues are stunned for his action in Cayo Northeast. Chairman of U.D.P Cayo Northeast Executive Committee, Fermin Magana, says that the Committe made a decision on behalf of Penner to excommunicate him for him not to continue working on the area.
"Minister Penner decided to stay in the position in his area representative by not resigning. confirmed the members of the executive committee. I spoke to the Prime Minister personally. He sent us a message saying after he spoke to the Prime Minister, and he sent all the committee members; after speaking to the prime minister and the people whome he needed to speak." The committee has decided to go on another direction. Cayo Northeast committee had asked the Pime Minister to asked Penner to resign. We are not working along with Penner, that is what we had decided on Satuday." We need to move foward and provide the services possible and we will move on.
If their isn't a replacement for Penner,Who will be his replacement?
Chairman Fermin Magana has two persons in mind. Magana says that Last week the decision came from one of the member of U.D.P executive when Penner met with the Prime Minister. Cayo Northeast is to be replaced as we are looking foward without Penner. The replacement are two persons being considered. Who will they be?
Chairman Magana explains:
"I was informed by one of the party executive that Penner would still continue working with his people. It was different after he met with the Prime Minister. We had been in communication with party executives that told us that this is what was wanted from us. At that point, we were waiting for word or direction from what the prime minister would have spoken to him. I continued the work I was doing and with the idea of having a new person working towards the future. we have a good opportunity and a good start. We need to finish the roofing of the Falcon Field. But I do not want to venture in either those persons name until something has been decided."
Is Penner really vindicating himself?
Elvin Penner has personal reasons why he would do what he is doing. Penner is receiving five thousand dollars monthly, If he remains in the in the Area Representative of Cayo Northeast, he will continue getting money, which is one thousand dollars is for sports, three thousand dollars is for the community and a full payment of the SUV fuelled and maintain with the taxpayers. That is a total of six thousand three hundred. Isn't that enough for Penner Not to resign?
Fermin Magana explains: "He is looking for vindication himself. He is trying to say you know what I will try to do the best I can for the time I can. The recommendation is to do what he feels for his family and what he feels in his heart. We are receiving as the committee funds from the government. Mister Penner also has his stipend for his office and for his secretary too. And he has told me too that he will continue the work that he wanted to do to help the people in his area. Us, we will continue working as much as we can. we don’t have any resources to work with, but we are preparing somebody for the future.”
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