Friday, 13 June 2014

Belize to receive $10 million dollars loan from Inter-American Development Bank for education System

This week the IDB recently confirmed the approval of a planned to assist Belize's extortion to improve the primary education and in general governance of its education system.
The $10 million dollars loan was approved by Inter-American Development Bank and Belize will soon be receiving the money. 
This programme is to target the teacher's and prepare them for today and tomorrow by sustain giving the train to establish new teachers and by instructing close to half of the country's most recent primary education teachers. 
“The programme will also train primary school principals and develop and implement an information system for education management, which will benefit all of the country’s primary and secondary schools.” the IDB said in a statement.
The IDB had mentioned that it had been growing higher sustain extortion to increase education in Belize, as one of four state areas in the banks’ most recent skills in the country.
The programme will just serve Belize’s 2011-2016 national education strategy, which search to endure to high rates of grade repetitive and overall low academic performance.