After a year of Constructioning the peir for Placencia Village, It was finally completed.
The pier and plaza was inaugurated on wednesday September 5 2013 as part of the Sustainable Tourism Project. This pier was started back in 2009 when the consultations finally began a year ago. The use for this pier will focus mainly on the fishing co-op
and Tourism, one of the pillars of economy of Placencia village. The estemate cost was three million dollar project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. Joined the inaguaration Minister of Tourism Manuel Herdia Jr and past Village Council Charles Leslie Jr was their to witness the inaguaration and explained the media the completetion of the project. People in the village are happy to see that things has been done in the Village.
Placencia Past Village Council Charles Leslie Jr
. mentioned '' After completing the Peir, I appreciate the project has finished. It is not for the government but for the use of the people in the village, tourist and people who visit's placencia. Let's not distroy this place, because it's for everyone to use. ''
Manuel Herdia Said '' I hope that tourism Industry Benfits from this project as well as the fishing coop. The goal in Belize is that we believe the tourism industry will be a big foreign investment and in a very smart way working along the way with the tourism everything can be done.''
Construction took approximately seventeen months to be completed. Side walk was added to the project. Now that i thas been innaguarted a waterfront shoreline plaza can now been enjoyed.