Miss Solani Graniel is offically crowned Miss 2013/2014 Miss San Pedro. Being on the stage all six contestants had the oportunity to compete with each other. Showcasing their presentation they competed against each for their Bikini suite and costume.Their beautiful costume each had to show and explained their costume made the audience have their liking costume. Cometing on the Bikini suite they had stage hype as the auidience shouted for their favourite competitor. Question was very challenging to answer but still manged to answer their original answers. Each one answered their question with a smile and nervousness that still lead them to answer some where not to nervous but still mange to answer their question. Naiely Puc had her last words before she can give her crown to another competitor. She explained that she the most enjoyable year traveling around the country when their was and event. Puck says that who ever wins this year will have a memorable year and not only that they have the greates experience in their life.
Gabriela Varela was the first runner up which lead Solani Graniel that made a great competion that lead her win Miss San Pedro 2013/2014, because of her great answer and question. Miss Congeniality was won by Venancia Chuc given the gift by Miss Chiquitita. Yanira Lara won the Miss Photogenic 2013. It was a tough competetion among all contestants which made an excellent job. They started the show by showing their dancing moves and then showed the swim suite and costume. Between the show local presentation by Lady Leela Vernon and the Baymen Clan Band and Ernestine Carballo and much more hyped the stage with enjoyable songs. It was a show you couldn't missed as all six contestant did a wonderful job. Congratulation to Miss 2013/2014 Miss San Pedro Solani Graniel.
Naiely Puc saying her last words before crowning Miss San Pedro 2013/2014. |
Solani Graniel Representing Castillo's Hardware. She will be officially crown on September 10, 2013 by 2012/2013 Miss Naiely Puc. |