Event:"Ralph is dead, now what?"
Location: Corozal House of Culture
Join the Corozal Women's Forum on November 21st at the Corozal House of Culture for the subject of: "How and why to make your wishes known and prepare your estate." Our November meeting is on a very serious and important subject. Many of you know someone that has died here in Belize and the experience can be very frightening, intimidating, and discouraging let alone heartbreaking.
We want to help eliminate some of the confusion so we have put together a program that will answer many of your questions and help you prepare for the inevitable. The meeting will be open to both men and women.You must pre-register and there will be a $5 per person fee to attend. You may pay at the door. You will receive an information packet with information gathered by our team and our guest speakers.
To register by email corozalwomensforum@gmail.com (preferable) or call 637-0686. Do not assume you are on the list because you told me or another officer you are coming, we can easily forget to get you added. If you signed up at the last meeting you are confirmed. Space is limited so R.S.V.P. soon. Cut off date to register is November 8th.
Sign in at 9:30AM, meeting starts promptly at 10AM. Post Script: If you have had to deal with this subject and would like to share your experiences we will have time for a couple of you to tell your story. If you wish to remain anonymous please email meloretarandall@gmail.com and I will add your story to our handout without your name. We are also looking for a listing of Attorneys or JP's you have used and would recommend. Email that to Loreta directly as well. Thank you for you support!
Loreta Randall -President
Please check our Facebook page.
For more information contact corozalwomensforum@gmail.com.
The forum is an opportunity for women to meet, enjoy, support, and learn from one another. It is open to all women in the Corozal area. The group promotes self-development through networking and enhancement of acumen among women of the community.
Loreta Randall President
Corozal Womens' Forum
PO Box 13
Corozal Town
Belize Central America