After 17 years in the Canadian Army, Noemie Johnson for the first time had wear her uniform while being in Belize for training. A first time licensed Family Physician travelled to Corozal, Belize in training to give those in need by providing medical care to the Belizeans. She is taking her first move in readiness to take advantage on offering the service to Belizeans.
A Canadian from Quebec, Canada, Johnson traveled to Belize to finish engaging in a wide education and a better change in career goals, it led to control in family care in needs. According to her background, she graduated at Royal Military College of Canada. She studied physics and astrophysics, and she served three years as a signals officer responsible for enabling commanders to have command and control and above their units she maintained on computer network, radio, satellite and phone communications.
Johnson which joined the service at the age of 17 years old, still stays an active duty, or usual forces, for the length of the four year medical she will study for her medical school at University of Sherbrooke in Quebec and having her two years Residency.
”I enjoyed my work a lot, and I could’ve progressed in that career. But it would have meant a lot more of managing and engineering technical projects, and I really like to work with people,” Johnson said. “I had slowly been thinking about medicine to work more closely with people, and I essentially just applied.”
After many years of providing services, Johnson found herself finally wanting to provide services to Belizean people along with the U.S. Medical Organization or MEDRETES which worked into the New Horizons Belize 2014 medical readiness training exercises which are a two parties partnership during which Belizean and U.S. partakers can benefit from having to work with each other as they share the fact of knowing in their representative specialties on general medicine, dental and veterinarian practices.
The best practices and lessons learned is by sharing between countries' which medical professional opportunity countries efforts which is the first MEDRETE to Johnson. It is a lot different in medicine, which Johnson enjoys the success to come out and practice medicine. In real comparative in having to train in exercises, where you go through practical's. Johnson mentioned.
. I think it’s nice to actually see patients and learn for myself while I’m helping the population.
“Being with the U.S. forces is also an enjoyable experience,” she added.
Practicing was not set in a formal clinic or in the setting of formal hospitals with little resources they had to adapt to the had. But, it is interesting on Humanitarian, in reality that Johnson is learning from this. Its her first time in international operation but is not her first time in extensive training and educational opportunity she had been afforded. A great combination of resource gives a v Her good experience valuable efforts on opportunities.
At-times we still end up extending overseas together anyway, but it is good to experience in this type of environment. in less simple environment can provide while training on opportunity to learn valuable lessons before happening on effectively on hostiles environment.
As Canadian Army, Johnson received her degrees, she attended a flight surgeon course. In her 17 years of her career she had a lot educational opportunities while being in the military. While working in Belize she mentioned that it has been the greatest since she had ever been in the military. she is forced to serve nine more years as having her options for future as it comes. The 17 years in the military had gone fast but, as times comes for the remaining services choice of career, location, family, there will always be a balance on that.