After having heavy rain, last weekend, reports came from Sarteneja Village saying that the road was overflood. Residence in the area said by looking at how high it reach, it measured three feet high of water. Sarteneja community had to forced to leave the area before seeking for transportation to work and school. This flood in Sarteneja has been affected for months. The condition of the road has been extremely worsen by the heavy rain that was caused. While residence travelled by foot it took approximatley three hours to walk the forty mile road from sarteneja to Orange Walk and Corozal. The road was to be paved by early 2013 and work is just starting. Reports came in that buses often got stucked. The road is deteriorated and people are fustrated and the residence in Sarteneja to leave the village. Having no water in the community, they say that for the past ten months they hadn't had awater and the new portable water hasn't reached yet.
Conditions on the road. Before the ferry going to Corozal.

Looking on the main land of Belize, Crooked Tree was over flooded in some areas of the village. Some parts of the area was found over four feet of water. Some serious health problem are reported cough and athlete foot. Since residence had to pass through water to reach to their destination and homes they said that the water was up to their knee. Students ad resident of Crooked Tree had to be shuttled by a boat since the village was over flooded. Water is still rising in some areas and the 5 miles streatch road to Crooked Tree was over four feet high. Since the flooding in the area, the villagers stayed without food and water. Also, as Tourist Season is beginning, residents of the small cabanas can't do much because of the flooding and they will have big lost. One of them said it take about 4-7 weeks or more for the water to seattle. Chairman Edmund Castro has not yet visited the village after three weeks of rain and flooding.

In the west side of Belize the village of Arizona, next to Teakettle was also under water. As Teakettle experience two feet of water three weeks ago. Today some yards are covered with water. Were water comes down from the Mountains it find it's way to low-lands on the hill side. Students of the village can little do nothing, but to wear boots and walk over mud to reach to school. The only road access is useable is the road to Pook Hill. A resident in the area had to dig a drain for the water run else where. Flue is affecting some resindents of the village because of walking in the water. Minister of Woks says as soon as the weather seattles and dries up we will be fixing the roads.

Over in San Pedro the end of the airstrip was covered with water over a feet high. South of the Island, it was difficult to use the main road as it was covered with water and hardly could be seen. Some streets had huge puddle of water and huge holes on the streets. Some Residences in the Island were affected by flooding in their yards. It was a foot high in some areas. Roads in the Island can't be fixed until the rain has clearly stopped and streets needs to be dried up. Residences in the Island are wandering when the streets will be fixed.