It is the second largest island in Belize and has the longest Barrier Reef in the caribbean. The beach in San Pedro is used for pedestrian or for swimming on shallow areas. It is wide enough for it to be accessed. Restuarants, dive shop, jet skies, golf cart rentals, to the evening sunset sailing, gift shop, is all available in San Pedro, and don't forget our key word: "No shirt, No shoes, No problem."

Living a village life back in the days, the village of San Pedro use to depend on fish, conch, lobseter and still does today. A lifestyle in the island is walking bearfooted on the sand. Doing laundry all women had the job to wash clothes and the men went out catching something on the sea. Travelling to the city in sail boat was an experience of talking how the perviews trip was. It took about 6 hours trip to Belize city back an fort.
In the 1950's when local grocery got their item's, it was carried on the shoulder. Like rice, beans, milk, can foods, ect. Crushed ice is drank with a touch of ayrupwhen hot weather came in. In those time paradise in San Perdro was very quiet on traffic and very relaxing. There was no cars and few golf carts and bicycle in the island. The comunity is very united when it comes to their religious in the island. The tradition they have share are some few fiestas celebrated in Christmas and Easter. Where they do a processions and churches services.
In 1873 James Hume Blake San Pedro for $625. In those days buying a land was a low sum. He let Mestizos continue living in the island. Blake was recognize asearning a lot of wealth gunrunners Castewars. A lifestyle changed in the island in late the 1920's as coconut was used in the industry. On the 29 of June it is recognize as St. Peter and November 27 as Township day in 1985. Tourist from around the world comes to visit this great island San Pedro.
So, if you want to visit this tropical island it is now a rate one of the most popular visiting islsand in Belize. You can also enjoy great caribbean music in every restaurants, popular bars, and while walking down the beach.