Fourteen-year-old Rowan Garel, the visually impaired teenager who conquered Victoria Peak two years ago. He walked for miles for a Walk-a-ton fundraiser, now he was set to dive the Blue Hole on Tuesday July 14, 2013; however, plans to make the descent below the surface of the Caribbean Sea have changed due to the weather. It’s a minor setback given all the preparation that has gone into Rowan’s latest adventure.In this goal he wish to conquer is the first blind person to dive the blue hole. The reason he is doing this is for the porpuse of raising funds for the BVI summer summer camp. He says he was so excited anxious because it was his first time ever. he says that "the quiz was was taken 6 times as each section their is an exam. multiples times I had a heart attack multiple times beacuse of taking the quizzes. The fundraiser plan was to achieve $100,000. Rowan and his father went up to dive for the great experience. The reason it was free, because the services BCVI offers gave Rowan the opportunity to achieve his goal. Rowan says he is being strong in his mind explaining that no disability person should feel ashame of themselves to show who they really are inside them.
While diving under water he got to experience the sharks around him and got to feel the the turtle's shell. As enjoying the experience his father and sister remained on his side. As prayer's kept on him he felt very anxious and happy of what he has done. So, how well he did? he handled his own gear, bouyancy, propulsion and monitoring his air guage. BCVI (Belize Council for the Visually Impaired) an institution which provides support services to the visually-impaired children of Belize, Rowan is the Council's best ambassador. Donation can be done here at
http://www.bcvi.org/?p=13 or deposit to Belize Bank account number 71096 or drop by a donation at the office at BCVI on Princess Margaret Drive.

Rowan explained that all he want was to dive underwater at the Blue Hole. Instructor Diver Says he hasn't seen somebody learn so quick than his usual students. Entering the Blue Hole it was time for them to go for an experiece. They used hand communication for any assistants. Looking at the Blue Hole View it is Like a tunnel when you dive in the Blue Hole. Joe Garel explained that he was very actrive in his youth Traveling the country, playing sports and doing activities stuff. It is a good expereince to be doing activities with your children, as long as they enjoy it. Rowan was certified as open water with his PADI card. It took a lot of practice and preparation for this to go on in the Blue Hole. Garel explain our family likes to be more on the adventurous type going out hiking, climbing mountains, swimming on the water, ect. Joe Garel explain that this shows Belize how much we have fund of raising to Belize Council for the Visually impaired. Rowan explain that it was a fun experience to feel the water.