Sunday, 27 October 2013

Flood Warning Happening Right now in Belize

DATE: Sunday 27th, October 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
All residents along the Belize River are being alerted early to be prepared for flooding....
Water is approximately 5ft under the Roaring Creek Bridge and is rising rapidly, residents that live nearby are ask to be alert and move to higher grounds.
The Macal wooden bridge, Iguana Creek Bridge and Baking Pot ferry remain closed and impassable, due to flooding. The Macal River level is receding near the Wooden Bridge.
All residents along the Mopan and Macal Rivers are being advised to remain vigilant and be ready to take the necessary action and move to safety. TAKE THIS WARNING SERIOUSLY.
Two feet of water is above the approach to Mullins River and the water is rising. The Coastal Road is closed to traffic.
The Cabbage Hay Creek is rising and is a about a foot from flooding Mile 25 on the Southern Highway.
In San Roman flood waters is starting to affect residents that live along the Creek.
The North Stann Creek River is about 12ft above normal and is beginning to rise in Hope Creek.
Flood Watch is in effect for Mullins River, San Roman and Hope Creek.
The Domingo Creek area was not affected by flood water and the road between Jordana and Blue Creek remains open to traffic via Santa Anna Road and Corazon.
The river by Aguacate is 3 ½ ft above the bridge and is receding slowly, remains closed to traffic.
Temash (Crique Sacro) the river is 13ft below the deck of the bridge.
Santa Ana - Moho at Cotton Tree lodge (near Santa Ana) is 1 ½ ft over the bank and is receding slowly.
Corozon Creek is 2ft below the deck of the bridge.
Blue Creek Bridge now has 2ft of water above the bridge and is rising, closed to traffic.
Flood Watch remains in effect for: Santa Rosa, San Benito Poite, Jordan, Aguacate, Crique Sarco, Bladden, and Corozon.
The public is advised not to cross flooded areas.
Motorists are asked to drive with extreme caution on the highways and by-ways.
People living in villages along rivers and creeks need to take the necessary action to safeguard life and property as a Flood Warning is in effect for communities along rivers and creeks that are flooding in the Cayo, Stann creek and Toledo Districts.