Sharon Matola, Founding Director, Belize Zoo
“For thirty years, April was a significant tapir being a kind animal to Belize. We did a great job having her feel comfortable during the last weeks in the zoo. She was the oldest animal in the zoo and keeping her fans happy. After that she is gone we feel sad after her lost. April died peacefully in her sleep after her health was failing.”
April made a huge roll being one of the most iconic queen in the zoo. She is the national animal in Belize. April is the first member that will be taken to the museum to showcase the famous animals in the Belize zoo. The skeleton and a picture on the side will show the history when they were young So, people can get familiarize with Belize animals . "Farewell to a Belizean Hero: The Belize Zoo mourns the passing of April the She had been showing signs of ailing for a few days now, old age finally taking its toll, despite her amazing strength at 30 years. April passed away peacefully in her sleep this morning, but her legacy will live on in the Zoo, Belize, and beyond, as a cultural icon and symbol of wildlife conservation and education. Rest in peace, April, we will miss you." - Sharon Matola.