- Indigestion or burning sensation (Heartburn)
- Loss of appetite, especially in meat.
Late stage of Stomach Cancer:
- Abdominal pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Diarrhea or consipation.
- Bloating of the stomach after mals.
- Weight Loss.
- Weakness and fatigue.
- Bleeding (vomiting Blood or Blood in the stool). Which will appear as black, which can lead to anemia.
- Difficult in Swallowing.
What Causes Stomach Cancer ?
- Tobacco (cigarrette) smoking.
- Excess intake alcohol.
- Bacteria called (hpylori)
What are the High risk of Stomach Cancer ?
- Smoked Food.
- Salted fish andMeat.
- Pickled Vegetable.
- Cured meats (ham, salami, sausages)
Dietary Prtotective Factors:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Vitamins A and C
Other factors assosiated wit Stomach Cancer:
- Darkness of skin, oxilla and groin pains.
- Skin lesions-seborrhere keratoses.
- Stomach Cancer is the fourth most common cancer, it is most common in men.
- Persons under the age 55 seeking medical attention for indigestion has stomach cancer.
- One out 50 persons of all age seeking medical attention for burping and indigestion have stomach cancer.
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation
Colon Cancer:
- Colon Cancer develops in the large colon or large intenstine. it is the Second Cancer affecting both men and women.
- Environmental exposure.
- Genetic (predispositon)
- Diet high in fat.
- Red meat.
- Excess calories intake.
- Alcohol intake.
- After 50 years.
- Smoking.
- Inflammatory disease (Ulcerative colitis crohn's colitis).
- symptms
- A change in bowl habit.
- Blood stool.
- Boating, persistent abdominal distention.
- Feeling of fullness evenafter having a bowel movement.
- Constipation.
- Narrowing of the stool ribbon.
- Persistent chronic fatigue.
- Abdominal discomfort.
- Unexplained weight Loss.
- Diets high in fiber.
- itamins.
- Avoidg cigarette and alcohol.eating plan.
- Screening
Preventing Cancer:
- Avoid becoming overweight.
- Do not smoke. Smokers should stop as quickly as possible and should not smoke around other people.
- Follow a healthy eating plan. This inculdes eating more whole grain and limiting high fast food. Eat at least five serving of fruits and vegetable each day.
- Excersise regularly; try to excersise for atleast 30 minutes on most daysof the week.
- If you drink alcohol, whether beer, wine or strong drinks, try to limit the amount you drink.
- Avoid being in the sun to long and avoid sunburn especially in children.
- If you know that a substance has been linked to cancer; try to avoid coming in contact with that substances which may cause cancer.
- see your doctor if you notice. a limp, a sore which does not heal.
- See your doctor if you have persistent problem, such as cough which does not go awy. Persistent hoarsensess, change in bowel or urinary habitsor sudden weight loss.
- Women should check their breast for lunps regulary, especially after menstration. Get your breast exams by doctor and get regukar mamograms, starting age 40.
- Men over 50 years are at high risk of developing prostate cancer. See your doctor and find if you need to get tested.
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