Since Tuesday morning a business man from San Pedro Timothy James Callanan was pronunced missing in San pedro. He went to Belize for his appointment and last seen Burd Bradly and never been seen again, including Senior Counsel Dean Lindo went for a hunt for him. He went to check in to a hotel on Golden Tree at around midday on Tuesday. He was suppose to stay only one night in Belize City. But sadly, bad news, Between the hours of five and six in the evening on Wednesday the receptionist decide to clean the room where he was staying, since he didn't showup to check out of his. Surprsingly, she found his body lying facing the bed. She suddenly called for police, to retrieve his body and suicide notes in his room was found. His body was sent at the K.H.M.H for a post-merten. All they can say is for now that it is Suicide. San Pedro residence are shock to here this stricking news and are giving all his best condolences. He was a well known entreprenuership in the San Pedro and a friendly person in the island.
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