Othon P. Blanco from the state of Quintana Roo visited Belize to join with the city council, both Municipalities enjoyed the long lasting sister city relation. Mayor Darrell made further relationship on strengthening trade and services. It is all about building Sister City relation Mayor Darrell explained. Belizean's favourite Sister City has to be Chetumal. Belizeans travel for a long weekend or for just a day. The new mayor Eduardo Espinosa Abuxapqui visited Belize on Monday August 26, 2013. In a warm welcome by Mayor Darrell in a conferrence meeting they sat down and discuss the recent of his council. Mayor of Chetumal says that he is very happy to be here and to start working once he takes office on the thirtieth of September strengthening these sister relations with Belize. Belize and Chetumal are very brotherhood and so he would like to work in conjunction with.”On Mayor Espinosa Abusaki was congratulated by Mayor Darrell. As the host was presented by Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Mayor from Belize Barrell Bradley and Eduarado Espinosa Ausaki made a recomfermation between the Sister City. As an extended invitation was given to the new mayor in Quintana Roo Mayor Darrell wishes him a visit to the city. Mayor Daniel Guerrero is looking foward to continue to support on mutualy beneficial relation. Mayor Darrel Bradley wants the citizens to come together to make proposals intiatives in mutually beneficial areas for presentation to the mexicans. But reciprocity will only come when the people on the ground in terms of businesses; they have that depth of exchange.
The city will be infrastructured mainly on education, commerce, trade, arts and health. By encouraging small businessmen particular to come out with proposals. In terms of cultivating our sister-sister relationship and in terms of this most important relationship to us, which is our city relationship with Chetumal and Othon P. Blanco, there is always a commitment on both sides—both at the head at the municipal president’s level and at our level to ensure that there is reciprocity. 15 million people in Mexico offers huge market trde opportunities. Mayor elect in seriously encouraging a deep signaled meaning relationship between the cities.What we want to do is to see if we can deepen that relationship in the area of
promoting business which is in line with our strategic plan. Of course you know
we're dealing with CARILED and we're dealing with all type of job initiatives
and we see our friend in the north, Othon P. Blanco as a strategic partner -
probably the most strategic partner there is being that they are so close to us. After the presentation the mayors went to the house of Culture where they had lunch. Representative of Belize Tourism Industry including the members of chamber of Commerce were accompanied by the Chetumal Mayor. After discussion while eating, Infrastructured works will be conducted by the City Council. Chetumal Mayor was departured on the old capital.
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